Why Misoneism ?

My Struggle with Starting New Things

Posted on October 13, 2024

When I named this website "Misoneism," I chose it for the irony. For those unfamiliar, misoneism means the distrust or hatred of new ideas or things, as defined by Wiktionary

You may wonder how I came across this word. I stumbled upon it while reading Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung and his associates. The book, written as an introduction for the non-specialist reader, aiming to introduce & explain Jung's theories and insights. I found the title intriguing and picked it up (and I recommend this book to anyone interested in these topics).

While reading, I encountered many English words I didn’t know, and misoneism stood out, especially how Jung used it in the introduction, Approaching the Unconscious. As I write this, I’m still working my way through the book. I’m taking my time because I want to fully grasp the meaning of each paragraph. I believe that for true understanding, both the author’s intent and my interpretation need to align, which requires patience.

So, how does this word relate to the name of my website, you ask? Well, honestly, I chose it on a whim. But after thinking about it for a bit, I realized it reflects my internal struggle when starting something new, something I know nothing about. Staying in my comfort zone is tempting, but I love learning new things. That’s why I pushed myself to create this website and write this blog. It may not seem like much, but to me, it's significant. I don’t care if this doesn’t reach a large audience; what matters is that I thought of doing something, and I followed through. To me, that's an achievement.

If you’re reading this, I’m truly grateful for your time. If you’d like to contact me, feel free to check out the contact section (currently, only email is available). In a way, I want to explore the misoneism within my psyche—the more I learn, the more I embrace my fear of the unknown. Ultimately, I hope to understand what I truly want and what’s going on in both my conscious and unconscious mind.

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Email: LAANS